In the midst of a family trip to New York City, I have made sure to make eating a priority. In that spirit, today my mom and I walked down to the famous @MarioBatali and @LydiaBastianich food market called EATALY. For those who have not heard of it yet, it is an entire block-wide and half-block-long institution that both has every fresh ingredient you would want for groceries to the most obscure Italian treats and pastas and dry goods you can imagine.

Shopping in Eataly’s Pasta Section ©EverydayCookingAdventures2014
The idea here is fresh is best and only the most tried=and-true brands are welcome on their shelves. It is also a place where you can eat to your heart’s content. From wood-burning oven foccacia to plates teeming with prosciutto and salamis to actual sit-down white tablecloth restaurant. It was a foodie’s heaven and if I could I would like to split my time in life, living inside this giant market and Disneyland. But that’s just me. Here are some photos to drool over!

Fresh bread from the wood-fired oven @Eataly ©EverydayCookingAdventures2014

Making the bread @Eataly ©EverydayCookingAdventures2014

Sugared Foccacia and Cheese-Filled Foccacia snack time @Eataly ©EverydayCookingAdventures2014
My favorite section of Eataly was this beautiful cheese and dried meats counter. The hanging San Danieli Prosciutto and salami of ever flavor and variety called to me from up above. The cheese from soft goat and oozing triple creme to sturdy deep-orange cheddars all looked so tempting I wish I could curl up alongside them and nibble to my hearts content!

Cheese and Cured Meats @Eataly ©EverydayCookingAdventures2014

Parmesan, anyone? @Eataly ©EverydayCookingAdventures2014
The fresh fish and seafood counter was another stunning section of Eataly. Every variety of fish was labeled with where it was from and there were so many kinds it would be overwhelming if you lived nearby enough to grocery shop here! There was the wild branzino, dark flecked meat of the black bass, langoustines that were as big as your hand, and many different varieties of oyster and clam.

Fish for sale @Eataly ©EverydayCookingAdventures2014
The counter full of large bowls of freshly made pasta was a beautiful sight. There were pastas of all sizes and shapes and I can only speculate at how they would just melt in your mouth. We watched a worker making fresh squid-ink fettuccine behind the counter.

Making handmade squid ink pasta @Eataly ©EverydayCookingAdventures2014

Fresh Pasta Counter @Eataly ©EverydayCookingAdventures2014
Looks like you had a great time on your trip, Pam! I always stop at Eataly when I’m in the neighborhood…and always end up coming home with something wonderful and it usually includes bread…
Looks so good! Hopefully you got some goodies you can bring home to use to cook with as well! I am sure that bread and cheese is so good!!!!
Yes! I got bags of pasta and risotto rice. Only stuff I can carry on!
Eataly is amazing! I think I would need to return for lunch 2, 3 and 4 to sample all of the restaurants. Next time you are there, try the arancini at the sandwich stand. Delicious rice balls stuffed with mozzarella. To die for!
Arancini are my favorite things! I wish I’d seen them!!
A good excuse to return!
You look darling holding your loot! I live in Los Angeles and for a couple of years now it has been rumored that we too will have an Eataly. I sure hope so because I envy all of you out there in New York and Chicago. Thank you for the wonderful tour. What a store, and what inspiration!
Thanks Adri! I hope California gets an Eataly! It was an amazing experience and I’m jealous of all the people that can grocery shop at them on a regular basis!