My Brand-New eCookbook is up for sale starting a couple hours ago! Holiday Cooking for New Cooks: Tips, Tricks & Recipes is now available for purchase through You can buy it for your iPad, iPhone, Mac, or Kindle as of now.
It is for people who want to learn to cook, cook better for newlyweds, and anyone who wants helps planning for the holidays. Holiday Cooking has over 40 recipes that have never been on my blog (plus more that have), full-color photos, menu ideas, entertaining basics, and strategies for successfully cooking your way through the holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Passover, Summertime, Game Days, and Anniversaries.
You can gift it to someone as well through or Kindle. If you have an iPhone, iPad or Mac computer, just download the free Kindle App to it if you haven’t already.
I hope you will enjoy it and I will continue to make it available on more outlets overtime.

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