Memorial Day weekend, to me, marks the beginning of warm weather and summertime living. One of my very favorite things about summertime is the Farmer’s Markets. In Grants Pass, Oregon, the farmer’s market or as it is known here the Grower’s Market, actually begins in March. However I’m new to this town so this weekend was the first time I made my way over there. Some of my fondest memories of trips to Europe involve wandering past the rows of umbrella-topped carts and tables spilling over with colorful vegetables, fruits, and homemade wares. The Grants Pass Grower’s Market brought back these happy memories and brought them to life, because this time I could actually bring home the produce!

Blue Fox Farm’s Radishes at the Grants Pass Farmer’s Market ©EverydayCookingAdventures
Farmer’s Markets are so important in this day and age of depressing chemical-ridden and GMO (genetically modified) food. As a big advocate for animal rights organizations, GMO-free food and labeling, and animals raised free-range, grass-fed, and all-natural, farmer’s markets are the way to go. Plus you can’t believe how much money you save versus even at the big chain grocery stores. You will see as you scroll down, the bounty I was able to buy with less than $30 dollars. The equivalent at a supermarket would have gotten me half the food if that.

Fry Family Farm at the Grants Pass Farmer’s Market ©EverydayCookingAdventures
I bought green-leaf lettuce and kale from Fry Family Farm and they even threw in a big bag of fresh spinach since I was a new customer. When I got home the lettuce root still had a little dirt on the bottom making me very happy because I knew how fresh my food really was! It came out of the soil people, not some laboratory. I’ve used the lettuce in big salads for lunch and dinner and it is so crisp and tender at the same time and jam-packed with nutrients. I sautéed the spinach at dinnertime to go with a vegetarian rice dish I made (Recipe to come this week).

Grants Pass Farmer’s Market ©EverydayCookingAdventures
I bought bread from two different vendors to spread around the love. I bought a delicious loaf of sliced Rosemary Olive bread from Sammy’s Cowboy Bakery for sandwiches this week. And I took home a round loaf of Ashland’s Village Baker’s artisan bread with bleu cheese and green olives, which I’ve been snacking on a dinnertime. All-natural and preservative free, I know where my bread is coming from and the ingredients that are going into it.

Sammy’s Cowboy Bakery at the Grants Pass Farmer’s Market ©EverydayCookingAdventures
I bought a dozen brown eggs that were extra large and from cage-free chicken at White Hare Ranch. I also purchased some sweet Italian sausage links and ground pork from Circle Star Ranch where the pigs are pasture-raised (not stuck in a cage they can’t even turn around in like the big wholesalers keep them). Circle Star Ranch meat is USDA approved and thankfully has no hormones, antibiotics or GMOs. They are even Animal-Welfare Approved for their humane treatment of animals from birth on.

Blue Fox Farm’s Carrots and Turnips at the Grants Pass Farmer’s Market ©EverydayCookingAdventures
I loaded up on carrots, beautiful pastel colored radishes, and an arm load more of gorgeous vegetables from Blue Fox Farm from the Applegate Valley whose motto is “farming like there is a tomorrow.” Who wouldn’t love this farm?! Then I found TerraSol Organics whose baggies full of pre-washed ready to snack on pea shoots, sunflower shoots and spring mix that are perfect for throwing into your salad or on a sandwich. The pea shoots can even just be snacked on as they taste like you’re eating raw peas…amazing! TerraSol sells its products to my favorite Ashland, Oregon restaurant as well, Lark’s at the Ashland Springs Hotel, so I knew I would love them.

TerraSol Organics at the Grants Pass Growers’ Market ©EverydayCookingAdventures
I had to make two trips to my car because I loaded up on so many goodies at this Farmer’s Market. Next time, I will bring more than one shopping bag! As you can see from the photo below, I have a week’s worth of groceries from my morning at the Grants Pass Grower’s Market. I’ve also supported my local community, local farms, and bought food that is sustainably raised and all-natural. I even found a beautiful, hand-crafted gift for my dad for Father’s Day! I can’t wait until next weekend! The Rogue Valley here in southern Oregon however has Farmer’s Markets going on almost every day of the week so if you can’t make the Saturday Grants Pass one, you are sure to find a day and time that works for you in this area.

Bounty from the Grants Pass Farmer’s Market ©EverydayCookingAdventures

Farmer’s Market Salad ©EverydayCookingAdventures
It all looks so good! I haven’t been out to our farmers market in awhile. I should go more often! It will be a good way to get out with the baby!
Yes! Perfect place to push the stroller and do something outside that will give back to you all week long!